Falkensteiner Hotel & Resort / Massimo Balia / Ukusi Sardinije / Beograd
U restoranu hotela Falkensteiner, gosti su od 18 – 21. aprila 2018 godine, mogli da uživaju u specifičnoj kuhinji Sardinije koju je spremao Massimo Balia, zvucima italijanske muzike uživo, kao i u pravom italijanskom sladoledu koji će pripremati čuveni poslastičar Marco Serra iz Torina – više puta je međunarodno nagrađivan raznim priznanjima, pohvalama i nagradama zbog svojih izvanrednih sladoleda.
Massimo Balia – Executive Chef, rođen je na Sardiniji, gde i dalje živi. Moto ovog šefa kuhinje je: “Ljudi na Sardiniji žive duže jer jedu bolje”. Sardinjani imaju izreku – ‘A chent ‘annos’ – koja bi značila: Želimo vam da doživite stotu! Massimo je lokalna gastronomska zvezda. Njegova tipična mediteranska i sardinijska kuhinja se bazira na jednostavnim sastojcima a deo je nasleđa od nekoliko hiljada godina.
Marco Serra je specijalista za sladoled iz Torina. On sam učestvuje u svim fazama pripreme. Pronalazi originalne sirovine. Osmišljava nove ukuse. Meša sastojke. Za svoj sladoled kombinuje tradicionalno znanje sa novim varijacijama.
Falkensteiner Resort Capo Boi together with the head of the kitchen Massimom Balia visited Belgrade this year.
In the restaurant of the Falkensteiner Hotel, from 18 to 21 April 2018, guests could enjoy Sardinia special cuisine prepared by Chef Massimo Balia and live Italian music, as well as real Italian ice cream that was prepared by the famous Marco Serra from Torino – who has been awarded several awards internationally acknowledgments, praise and rewards for their extraordinary ice cream.
Marco Serra is a ice-cream specialist from Turin. He participates in all stages of preparation. Finds original raw materials. It creates new tastes mixing the ingredients… For his best ice creams he combines traditional knowledge with new variations.
Massimo Balia – Executive Chef, born in Sardinia, where he still lives. The motto of this boss is: “People in Sardinia live longer because they eat better”. The Sardinians have a saying – ‘A chent’ annos’ – which would mean: We want you to experience the old age! Massimo is a local gastronomic star. His way is typical Mediterranean and Sardinian cuisine is based on simple ingredients and a part of the legacy of several thousand years.