Pro photographer
7 years experience
Very responsible
International rewarded
High value equipment
Unique perspective
Amazing images
Timelapse & Cinemagraphs
Airplanes & Destinations
Different airports
Events & Conferences
City landmarks
- As a professional photographer I worked for more than 30 small and medium companies on a content creation for marketing campaings.
- You would get a man who working all the time with taking care of business to the smallest details.
- I always working in the most effective possible way, with the goal of highest efficiency in mind at all time.
- My work process is very flexible and I’m trying to work in spirit of pleasant and harmonius behaviour that encourages cooperation with employed people.
- I am focused on solutions, actions, success and improvements in every aspect of my business and private life.
SHORT TERM: Two-month collaboration
Can serve as a test project. This may include flights to 5-10 cities. After visiting 5-10 citis, taking, editing and sending content (photos and cinemagraphs – https://www.facebook.com/worldcinemagraphs/) you will see if the cooperation with me and the material you get is entirely appropriate to companies requirements, has the material an impact on the increase in sales and revenue of the company…. If both sides are satisfied with work and results in this collaboration, we can continue with medium or long-term collaboration plan.
MEDIUM TERM: One-year collaboration
Is really good for brand presence, marketing campaigns, sales campaigns, presentations, events, magazine… With photographs from every travel destination, cities, airports, flights… You would get amazing content to promote everything which you provide. All year along. If you looking for great and unique content for promoting anything through photographs this collaboration will bring much more benefits and good results to the both sides equaliy. This may include flights to more than 50 cities.
LONG TERM: Two or more years collaboration
Everything what company does I lives. That means everything what company does, organizes, offers, or achieves, will be captured with extraordinary photos. This is for leading airline companies that pay close attention to their presence on the market.
As a professional photographer besides working on a different projects and marketing campaigns doing commercial or creative photography sometimes cinematography, I love to write, travel, make new friendships and doing photos through interesting events, lectures and seminars.
Visit many countries as much as I can. Contribute to great companies with my will and work. Write a lot’s of extraordinary books. Learn many languages as much as I can. Create remarkable images of everything.
I was born in Zagreb and I’m Croatian citizenship. With a Croatian passport, I can visit 149 countries without a visa.
I try to form a relationship based on mutual trust. I’m going to do the best I can for you if you do the best you can for me.
Because I’m professional photographer and have lot’s of equipment, I travel oft with two suitcases. One is for equipment and one for clothes.
For me working while traveling is not working. I always finish everything in time because I am trying to work through the list of priorities.
Photos speak a universal language that everyone understands.